Why Choose Us

Why Choose UsIn today’s competitive world we all want to reach the zenith, to climb the ladder of success. However, in our quest for unlimited name & fame we are somehow lacking in giving our children the values & the virtues that were inherent qualities of our growing up years. We are constantly pushing them towards attaining success, however we also cannot deny the fact that as a parent somewhere deep down our heart we also them to be the best amongst the best i.e. A True Manav.

This is where Manav Sthali plays its part. Manav Sthali literally meaning “It & above of Humanity” is a place where we still believe & practice the cove values of Humanity without compromising the need for modern day studies. So, if on one hand we are teaching our students the value of technology in their lives, on the other hand we also tell them the importance of faith, belief & respect in one’s life. This is a place where teachings of Swami Vivekananda & Einstein go hand in hand.

Our syllabus is not dogmatic but based on the natural inclination & ability of individual student. The flexibility of the teaching pattern gives our students the special ability to adapt themselves to the changing times, without losing their vitality, cove values or focus.

At Manav Sthali School we not only focus on the Art of Earning but also on the Art of Living & Learning. Hence, the place that focuses on the making of Proud Manav’s of tomorrow is Manav Sthali School, “The Abode of Humanity”.