ENTRY POINT : Students of Milepost-1, initiated a wonderful unit related to time. It was the first time through this unit that we introduced history to grade I and II. As the entry point fun and interactive activities were conducted for the students. The young learners recollected past events that happened in school as well as home (personal events as well as the ones happening in their community). Through these activities students were directed towards thinking about importance of history, the need to preserve past and learning from the past. Students recollected fond memories of ‘Laughter Day celebration’ at school. They also recollected memories from their birthday celebrations by revisiting a classroom setting which was decorated with balloons and buntings. Hooked were the children to know more about the various aspects of history!
Learning the IPC way, the students of Milepost-II, commenced a unit based on community called ‘Living Together’. As an entry point, students had loads of fun playing team-building games. The education through the process was how cooperation, respect for rules and being together is essential to reach a goal, all of which is synonymous to our role in a community. Students learnt the power of team-work and a set of different skills via community members is crucial to survive a challenge. Learning through , which changed the phase of mankind.play indeed proved to be the best form of learning!
Students of Milepost-III, took over a unit called ‘Champions of Change’, a unit essentially on the various forms of government across the world. As an entry point, students chose a topic, formed teams of political parties, chose their representative and conducted voting in class using a ballot-box. The exercise helped the students to understand the power of vote.
In totality, the entry-point proved to be a perfect touch-point to set the students in the spree of learning.
EXIT POINT : The exit-point was an enthusiastic depiction of the learning journey by the students of the International wing, who recently completed their unit of work. The students from Grade I and II put forth a street-play based on their research about the eventful happenings during the freedom struggle of India and elements of the present progressive India. They also showcased some of the most important inventions from history that transformed mankind.
Students of Grade III and IV, revealed their research and work on project: ’History of our School’ which threw light upon the school-community and the role played by the school in a broader spectrum for the community as a whole.
Learners from Grade V rendered a peek into different forms of government through a riveting talk-show portraying as dignitaries from various countries, depicting various forms of government. The visitors were involved in the celebration of learning through rapid-fire quiz, team-building games and by voting in a secret ballot-box for the most suitable form of government.
The exit-point was a reiteration of the basic principle underlying learning through IPC, ‘facilitate the learners in a way that they take charge of their own learning and celebrate it!’
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