The entry point was a great start to the unit of work, ‘How Humans Work’ related to human-body. During the course of circle-time activities, in an interesting way, students learnt how to listen to their heart-beats using a stethoscope. Students felt amazed to discover pulse-points on their bodies and tried rhythmic energizers which brought in the fun element to the class. This helped them to develop an understanding of how the heart-rate and body-temperature increases with exercise. As a group activity, students designed a healthy food basket and discussed about the importance of exercising. A demonstration of ‘ideal way to brush your teeth’ was conducted to impart the importance of good oral hygiene. A session was dedicated on ‘First aid techniques’ and important things to be kept in a first-aid box. Students watched videos related to harmful effects of tobacco and alcohol on our body. The entry-point marked a wonderful initiation of the unit of work, hooking the students suitably in the spree of learning.
As a part of the unit ‘How humans Work’, students went for an educational-visit to the National Science Centre, New Delhi. In an amazing way, students saw specimens of things they had discussed in the classroom, especially about different organ-systems. The visit proved to be an example of place-based learning through revisiting the topics learnt in class. The understanding of students was strengthened through the functional modals of sense-organs, blood-vessels, skeletal-system and reflex-action. In an astounding manner, learning was brought alive and tangible and it was a wonderful sight to see the learners involved in discussion and logical cross-questioning. It was indeed a fruitful experience!
The Exit-point was a vivid display of the spectacular learning journey of the students, as they accomplished yet another wonderful unit of work related to the human-body. Students of Grade-1 and Grade-2 talked about the role of sense organs and how they help us connect to the world around us. They also apprised the audience with ‘benefits of exercising’ through a zestful aerobic-session, inviting the visitors to join in the spirit. Students of Grade-3 and Grade-4 put forth a theatrical-piece, enumerating what lies inside the eye and how we are able to see. Dressed-up as pure and impure blood, the students presented a feet-tapping drill of how the two types of blood flows through the four chambers of the heart, bringing alive the circulatory system in the human body. Students of Grade-5 discussed the journey of food inside the body and how it provides energy to the body. They also talked about the problems of malnutrition and obesity, which are worldwide threats in today’s world and the necessity of following a balanced diet. It was a true reflection of blended learning and how understanding is made profound by the learner himself!
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