E-Exit Point:
Students of International Wing accomplished a science-based fabulous unit of work related to states of matter. It was an enthralling experience to see them celebrate their learning through the first time ever E-Exit point, a show presented virtually that left the audience awestruck. Students of classes 1 and 2 created a ‘Science Magic Hour’ where they revealed the science around cooking, turning their kitchen into little laboratories by making ice-lollies, trying painting with ice and talking about molecule friends. Students of classes 3 and 4 enchanted the audience with their new designs of milk-packs and took everyone on a journey of how a milk-pack reaches us. Through a vivid talk-show, they enumerated the international problems associated with availability and consumption of milk. Students of class 5 elucidated the scientific aspects of baking and put forth a theatrical depiction of the journey of a bread-pack, sharing their newly designed brands of bread-packs.
The E-Exit point was an affirmation that learners learn best when they take charge of their own learning, The IPC way!
Registration Form VI - IX
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