Students of class Xth and XIth got a wonderful chance to visit the amazing Kennedy Space Centre at Florida and many other place in the USA. 24 girl Students & 2 group leaders (senior teachers) went on an 11 day educational & cultural tour to USA from 13th July to 23rd July 2014. This included 3 days course at the Kennedy Space Centre at Florida, Cultural tour to Orlando, New York and Washington DC. The programme at the Space Centre, NASA was informative, educative and included a number of hands on activities. The educators at NASA gave the students Astronaut Training Experience which included Mock Shuttle experience, Rocket launching, simulator and physical simulator. At NASA our group got an opportunity to see a replica of International Space Station. The group had an opportunity to go inside the ISS by crawling & experiencing how astronauts float inside the ISS. There was a guided tour to space shuttle explorer, Astronaut “HALL OF FAME” and Rocket Garden. The students were thrilled & fascinated by the actual rockets, space suites, space ships & spacecrafts from the Mercury, Gemini & Apollo programmes. On the second day they had lunch with the famous astronaut “Jon Mc Bride” who narrated his experiences & gave a briefing on World Space agencies. The progamme concluded with the Graduation Ceremony where the students were awarded certificates on completion of the course. Other places where students enjoyed were Sea World (Dolphin Show), Universal Studios, Island of Adventure at Orlando. Time square, Empire State Building, 5th Avenue, Rockefeller Centre, China Town, Statue of Liberty, Ground Zero and many more at New York and Whitehouse, US Capitol, Library of Congress etc at Washington DC.
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