For a period of almost 10 months we prohibited any activity in the school buildings and schools were also closed for students as per Govt. guidelines to ensure complete control of COVID 19 virus. As soon as the Govt. gave its consent to reopen schools (primarily for classes 10th and 12th ) as they were missing on their hands – on practical projects , We at Manav Sthali School have carefully strategized the reopening process in order to help protect students ,teachers and staff and also to ensure total control of COVID-19 virus.
These plan of actions for Schools are intended to protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of students, teachers, staff, their families, and communities. These includes:
- Promoting behaviors that reduce COVID-19’s spread
- Maintaining healthy environments
- Maintaining healthy operations
- Preparing for when someone gets sick
Maintaining with the CAB guidelines specially curated Time tables are made for students of class 10th and 12th. They are assigned particular room with seat numbers and not more than 15 students are allowed to sit in each room . For class 10th and 12th focus is primarily given on Science practical and labs are thus sanitized and fully equipped to ensure that students and teachers are able to carry and observe the practical smoothly.
For other subjects classes are planned on a daily basis and the students are informed a day prior so that they can attend the classes where they feel they have any doubts to clear.
Colour coded tokens are issued so that one group of student remain in the same room and same seat.
The following steps are taken to ensure containment of the COVID 19 virus:
Hybrid Learning Model, where most students and teachers participate in virtual learning and some students and teachers engage in in-person learning, with:
- Small, in-person classes, activities, and events
- Cohorting and alternating or staggered schedules, rigorously applied
- No mixing of groups of students and teachers throughout/across school days
- No sharing of objects between students and teachers
- Students, teachers, and staff following all steps to protect themselves and others at all times including proper use of face masks, social distancing, and hand hygiene
- Regularly scheduled and consistent (i.e., at least daily or between uses) cleaning of frequently touched areas.