In these highly competitive times, stress in a student’s life has increased manifold. It is therefore extremely important that efforts should be made in order to help a student in each and every way. They face various issues- personal, educational and emotional that can prove a hindrance in their path of achieving success. As a result, a counselor is the need of the hour. For the overall development of each student, it is important that they remain stress-free. Steps such as one on one session between counselor and students are planned to explore and discuss their problem at regular basis. As per the gravity of the issue and the age of the student, parent’s involvement also takes place. To address an issue that is likely to be a part of many students’ lives, group discussions are held at equal intervals. These discussions have proven to be highly effective. Workshops are conducted for juniors and seniors alike addressing issues which are common with their age groups. For juniors, workshops on “good touch, bad touch”, “bullying” and “peer pressure” etc are conducted. While for seniors, workshops on “gender sensitization”, “career pressure” etc are conducted. In order to help students thoroughly, the counselor works with a team of teachers, parents, coordinators and supervisors. This is to ensure that the people who have known the student for a long period of time will also provide their input and help the counselor further. It is a positive step which has helped the students to express and share their issues with some they trust. After all, a mind at peace is a sharp mind.
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