Ethics Corner

Ethical conduct lies at the core of the teaching profession and is the need of the hour. School takes measures in the way of ancient guru-shishya. Parampara to inculcate the ethical values integrated of each and every student. The broad outline is as follows:

  1. Respect for teachers, elders and every individual in the society. Being truthful and earnest in all actions and ensuring fairness, honesty & integrity in all aspects of life. Taking responsibility for one’s actions.
  2. Commitment to learning and developing the full potential by acquisition of knowledge. Simple opportunities are provided for the same by various activities.
  3. Learning to work in a team, developing team spirit and cooperation by taking up group projects.
  4. Being sensitive to the suffering of others, developing Empathy & Raising funds for charity, victims of natural disasters from time to time.
  5. Following the principle Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Inculcating the respect for environment & conservation by taking up paper-recycling, plantation drives, No Polyethene Zone in the school, discouraging the use of non-biodegradable materials.
  6. Respecting various points of views and other people’s right to their opinion as much as oneself. Communication as a way of problem solving and conflict management.
  7. Spreading the light of literacy by adopting ‘Each one, teach one motto and taking up community projects with the help of NGO’s working in various fields.
  8. Behaving in the highest ideals of simple living and high thinking.
  9. No discriminatory behavior on the basis of caste, creed, Economic status and treating all sections equally.
  10. Progressive and Scientific thinking and discarding of superstitious beliefs.
  11. Developing a sense of belonging to school, taking pride in school culture and being a true Manav in the true sense of the word and a proud Manavsthalian and a proud citizen of India & World.
  12. Upholding the honour of self, family, school and Nation at all times.