Ethics Corner
Ethical conduct lies at the core of the teaching profession and is the need of the hour. School takes measures in the way of ancient guru-shishya. Parampara to inculcate the ethical values integrated of each and every student. The broad outline is as follows:
- Respect for teachers, elders and every individual in the society. Being truthful and earnest in all actions and ensuring fairness, honesty & integrity in all aspects of life. Taking responsibility for one’s actions.
- Commitment to learning and developing the full potential by acquisition of knowledge. Simple opportunities are provided for the same by various activities.
- Learning to work in a team, developing team spirit and cooperation by taking up group projects.
- Being sensitive to the suffering of others, developing Empathy & Raising funds for charity, victims of natural disasters from time to time.
- Following the principle Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Inculcating the respect for environment & conservation by taking up paper-recycling, plantation drives, No Polyethene Zone in the school, discouraging the use of non-biodegradable materials.
- Respecting various points of views and other people’s right to their opinion as much as oneself. Communication as a way of problem solving and conflict management.
- Spreading the light of literacy by adopting ‘Each one, teach one motto and taking up community projects with the help of NGO’s working in various fields.
- Behaving in the highest ideals of simple living and high thinking.
- No discriminatory behavior on the basis of caste, creed, Economic status and treating all sections equally.
- Progressive and Scientific thinking and discarding of superstitious beliefs.
- Developing a sense of belonging to school, taking pride in school culture and being a true Manav in the true sense of the word and a proud Manavsthalian and a proud citizen of India & World.
- Upholding the honour of self, family, school and Nation at all times.
Code of Conduct For Teachers
The profession of teaching is a vocation that calls for high personal standards of ethics, responsibility and accountability. A teacher has to lead by example and his / her conduct in a school environment has great impact on students. As responsible, educated adults, teachers need to shoulder certain norms.
Keeping this in mind it is expected that No teacher shall…
- Knowingly or willfully neglect his/her duties.
- Discriminate against any student on the ground of caste, creed, language, and place of origin, social and cultural background.
- Indulge in, or encourage, any form of malpractice connected with examination or any other school activity.
- Make any neglect in correcting class-work or home work done by students.
- While being present in the school, excusing him/herself from the class which he/ she are required to attend.
- During the period of your service, you cannot join any college or pursue any course of studies without the prior approval of the Head of Institution.
- You will be governed by the code of conduct as laid down in the Delhi Education Act, 1973 and Delhi School Education Rules, 1973 (as amended up to date) and on violation of any provision of the code of conduct you shall be liable to such disciplinary action as the management deems fit.
- Remain absent from the school without sanction of leave or without previous permission of the head of the school. You cannot leave the country without prior sanction from the competent authority.
- Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right. When the exigencies of school service so require leave of any kind may be refused or revoked by the management.
- Accept any remuneration related job from any source other than the school or give private tuition to any student or other person or engage him/her in any business.
- Prepare or publish any book or books, commonly known as keys, or assist, whether directly or indirectly, in their publication.
- Enter into any monetary transactions with any student or parent; nor shall she exploit her influence for personal ends.
- All teachers are responsible for maintaining their Class Attendance Register, Plan Book, Daily Diary and Examination Registers. For any loss of the same, the accountability rests solely in the hands of the respective teachers.
- All teachers are requested to get their Plan Book signed every fortnight and Daily Diary every week.
- All the teachers are strictly forbidden from inflicting any corporal punishment to any student irrespective of any compelling circumstances whatsoever they may be. Incidents of this nature will be viewed seriously by the school administration.
- Teachers, especially those who are using their private mode of transport are required to leave from the school only after the departure of all students.
- Mobile phones are strictly not permissible in the Classrooms, Labs and Corridors.
Non-compliance or violation of any of the above mentioned rules can lead to appropriate action being taken against the concerned individual.
Code of Conduct for Students
We at Manav Sthali believe that school is a place for teaching and learning and where students have the right to feel safe, secure and supported. To provide this supportive learning environment, students and others must foster respect among all members of the school community.
We expect our students to maintain and encourage high standards of personal conduct. These include honesty, discipline, integrity and consideration, ethics and values.
I____________, student of Manav Sthali School, promises to abide by the prescribed code of conduct and to consciously strive to contribute in all endeavors as a true ‘Manav’. I promise to conduct myself as a self-confident, well-groomed & well-behaved individual.
- Come to school on time & be regular
- Wear the prescribed school uniform & look neat, tidy & well groomed
- Keep my hair short (for boys) & tied (for girls)
- Not use any make up or accessories
- Keep the classroom & passages clean
- Not litter in the school premises
- Avoid unnecessary movement in the corridors
- Respect school property & take care of it
- Attend all classes regularly
- Behave well with teachers & fellow-students. Treat others with respect
- Not rush & push anybody at any time
- Show regard & respect to all teachers
- Use appropriate language & be honest
- Will behave in a responsible manner in the school bus while commuting to & from school
- Follow the queue system while boarding & alighting from the buses
- Uphold the respect & dignity of the school & avoid disruptive behavior
- Not carry mobile phones, cameras, iPods etc. to school
- Participate in class discussions, complete assigned work & prepare well for tests & examination
- Not indulge in verbal or physical bullying and abusing.
- Make judicious use of computer & other technology provided by the school
- Contribute to a safe, secure, clean school environment
- Maintain exemplary conduct in school, participate in activities & school programmes
- Be optimistic & enhance my growth with right speech, thought & actions
- Develop awareness of societal issues like environment, literacy, life skills in a positive manner
- Develop and use good judgment and be a sincere & creative member of my community
- Not carry any sharp object which can cause harm intentionally / unintentionally
* I will stand up for the honour of my school & display loyalty for my institution. If I am found violating any of the above mentioned rules, the school management may take any action against me.
I have understood the implications & responsibilities of my promise and agree to follow all the rules Sincerely,
Name : ____________________ Class : __________________
Universal code of Conduct drafted by the students of Class VI and VII
We, the global citizens appreciate the similarities and the differences between people, recognize that our beliefs and viewpoints are varied. For sustainable living, fairness and equality, the rights and responsibilities have been collated in the form of the following Universal Code of Conduct —
- We must reach home on time.
- We must use sorry, thank you! and please where necessary.
- We must not use abusive and offensive language.
- We must not litter our surroundings.
- We should respect and love each other.
- We must be punctual.
- We must be empathetic towards our fellow mates.
- We should not bunk our classes.
- We should not damage school property.
- We should speak with respect with our teachers and class fellows.
- We must not destroy public property.
- We must not smoke in public areas.
- We should not scribble on the walls.
- We must not pluck flowers and cut trees.
- Child labour is a punishable offence.
- A valid passport is mandatory to travel abroad.
- We must not discriminate people on the basis of religion, colour or caste.
- Free and compulsory education must be emphasized upon.
- Everyone must be treated equally in the eyes of law.
- We must wear seatbelts while driving.
- Vehicles must be checked for pollution at regular intervals.
- We must wear helmets while driving a two wheeler.
- We must follow road signs and traffic rules.
- We must never drive under the influence of alcohol.
- We must not use mobile phones while driving.
- Vehicles must be registered with a valid insurance certificate.
The Universal Code of Conduct was framed by the students of Class VI & VII of Batch 2016-17. The students researched about various rules of India, Australia and America under ISA project Rules – Rules – Rules.
Registration Form VI - IX
Mandatory Public Disclosure