Arpit Saxena of VIII had participated in various competitions during the year 2012-2013. In the first level of Olympiads conducted by Science Olympiad Foundation(SOF) Arpit was the class topper and won Gold Medal in National Cyber Olympiad (NCO),National Science Olympiad(NSO) and International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) and qualified for the 2nd level in all of them. He also won a Gold Medal in International French language Olympiad (IFLO). The second level which was conducted in Feb’13, he achieved International Rank 2 & State rank 19 in IMO. Arpit also participated in Max Life Insurance I genius Scholarships 2012 online competition and qualified to its 3rd level, he was awarded the 3rd prize. He also got rank 1 in National Level Mathematical Genius Award 2013 and was awarded the title of “MATHEMATICAL GENIUS”.
Arpit is a very bright & intelligent student and would like to thank his school for giving him the opportunities to participate in various Olympiads and teachers for guiding him .He is proud to be a Manav Sthalian!!
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